In the absence of the Magnets field, magnetic objects can maintain its long time. The permanent magnet can be used ferromagnetic materials, such as iron,nickel and other made.
The special structure of the atom, the atom itself has a magnetic moment. These minerals molecular arrangement of the general confusion, magnetic regions influence each other cannot appear the magnetic, but in the external forces such as magnetic guided molecular arrangement direction consistency, show magnetic, also known as magnets, iron, cobalt, nickel, is the most commonly used magnetic material basically divided into the permanent magnet and the soft magnet, permanent the magnet is coupled with strong magnetic to magnetic material and electronic spin angular momentum into a fixed direction; soft magnetic is coupled with the current, current is removed, the soft iron will slowly lose magnetism.
Magnet is a general term that refers to with magnetic properties, the actual composition not necessarily contain iron. Compared with the pure metallic state iron itself has no permanent magnetism, only close to the permanent magnet can produce permanent magnet magnetic induction, general inside added he impurity elements such as carbon addition to the magnetic stabilized, but it will make the free electron is decreased without easy conductive, so when the current through the light bulb is not up iron is common with magnetic elements, but many other elements have a stronger magnetic, like a strong magnet is a lot of NdFeB mixture.